Phonotronica Български Phonotronica English


PHONOTRONICA Ltd. was established in 1990 with the object of developing, manufacturing and marketing of electronic products. Developed, manufactured and implemented in units of BTC in the country are four products are successfully operated more than 20 years. The introduction of one of them in 1993 allow complete automation of telephone dialing between small villages in the country. The first Bulgarian electronic tariff clocks and electricity meters are our idea, development, production and deployment in the divisions of distribution companies. Development and implementation of new ideas is carried out by a team of highly qualified specialists - graduate engineers in electronics, communications and software. Our production facilities enable the successful implementation of each contract, without compromising on quality and time. The company has a certificate of quality management ISO9001: 2008 under № QMS / 13376 / BG issued by the CSB Ltd on 03.09.2013 year. Our unwavering desire to conquer consumer confidence is based on a clear policy and planned strategy aimed high and constant quality of the products, as an absolute priority.


PHONOTRONICA Ltd. specializes in the design of products for the management of objects and processes based on microcontrollers. Three such projects are implemented in the Republic of Bulgaria in the period 1993 - 2010 years. We have a team of highly qualified professionals who are able to design, develop and prepare for production projects based on management microcontrollers. We possess the necessary equipment for prototyping, the designed products and for mass production.


At the beginning of 2014 we built a high tech line of surface mount PCB. Application of solder paste, an extremely important milestone for assembly quality, the printer is controlled by a specialized program which ensures uniform application to all contact pads. If there is a shortage of solder paste even a playground, the process stops and a warning. For assembling the robot is able to place components with dimensions up to 01-005 at an average operating speed of 80,000 components per hour. Special programs containing a set of libraries of components shall ensure that every component is scanned, checked, properly oriented and positioned precisely in its place on the PCB. Soldering oven with 12 zones, three of which cooling enables precise profiling of soldering for lead and leadfree technologies. Controlled cooling rate 4-6 deg./C per second, ensuring smooth cooling and prevent thermal shock on the components. The nitrogen environment in which the soldering is performed, is a guarantee of the quality of the process. Modern, high-performance line for assembly, combined with the professional skills of the staff guarantee the consistently high quality of manufactured products. We have the necessary equipment and qualified personnel for manual soldering of components sensitive to high temperatures and overheating, and for hand and mechanical processes. We can fulfill your project in a way that will satisfy you completely.